How do I find out my business electricity supplier?

As a business owner in the UK, it’s crucial to understand your energy consumption and costs clearly. One important piece of information you need is the identity of your business electricity supplier. Whether you’re looking to switch suppliers or want to keep track of your expenses, knowing how to find out your business electricity supplier is essential. In this article, tailored specifically for the UK market, we will guide you through discovering your business electricity supplier. From online resources to contacting relevant authorities, we will provide practical steps and valuable tips to help you uncover this important information.

Definition of Electricity Supplier

Electricity suppliers are companies that provide electricity to homes and businesses. They purchase electricity from power generators and sell it to their customers at a markup. Energy supply is a complex industry, and many different electricity suppliers are operating in most regions of the world. Some of these companies offer energy that comes from renewable sources, while others generate power using traditional methods like coal or natural gas. Many businesses want to know how to find their electricity supplier to compare rates, analyze their energy costs, and seek more affordable energy suppliers.

Reasons to Find Out Your Business Electricity Supplier

In today’s market, businesses have more energy supplier options than ever before, making it crucial to know their electricity suppliers. One significant reason is that finding the right business electricity supplier can lead to cost-saving opportunities for the company. According to recent research, businesses can save as much as 40% on their energy bills by switching from the most expensive contracts to the most competitive pricing plans.

Another reason is the expansion of market competition. With more providers competing in the business energy sector, companies have a greater chance of finding the best electricity supplier for their needs. Moreover, fixed-term energy contracts offer businesses a stabilized energy rate, allowing them to secure an energy price for a set period, minimizing the impact of fluctuation in energy prices.

Businesses should also be aware that energy providers aren’t all the same. The Big Six electricity suppliers might be the first providers on any online search, but they aren’t the only option in the increasingly competitive marketplace. Small and independent providers can offer more tailored customer service and better value, while larger companies are often less agile and unlikely to provide personalized solutions or unique products.

In conclusion, businesses should always be informed about their electricity suppliers to explore all possible cost-saving opportunities and find a provider that best suits their energy needs and budget.

Steps to Finding Your Business Electricity Supplier

As a business owner, knowing who your electricity supplier is is essential. Understanding this will help you compare prices, switch to a better supplier, and reduce energy bills. However, finding your business electricity supplier may seem daunting, especially if you’re new to the business world. In this article, we’ll cover the steps you need to follow to identify your business electricity supplier and take control of your energy bills. Read on to discover how easy it is to find your provider with our easy-to-follow guide.

Step 1: Gather Documents Related to Your Business Energy Contract

Before finding your business electricity supplier, you must gather documents about your current energy contract. These documents can include your most recent business energy bill, contract terms and conditions, and any correspondence with your energy provider. Carefully read these documents and note important details such as your current energy supplier, type of tariff, contract length, and rates. Knowing these details will help determine if you are getting the best deal for your business and if it’s time to switch to a new energy provider. It’s important to keep these documents organized and easily accessible, as they will be helpful when you are ready to compare prices and decide on your business energy contract.

Step 2: Check Your Billing History for Details on Your Current Provider

A quick and easy way to find your current electricity supplier is to check your billing history. Look for your most recent electricity bills and examine them for information such as the provider’s name and contact details. This information is usually on the bill’s first page, often under the heading ‘Your supplier details.’

Checking your billing history will reveal your current provider and help you establish whether you have been automatically placed on one of the most expensive tariffs. If you have been on a deemed or out-of-contract rate, meaning that you haven’t agreed to a particular tariff, you are most likely paying the most expensive rate. Knowing your current provider and tariff type can help you evaluate your energy usage and find potential cost-saving measures.

If you don’t have access to your previous bills, consider contacting your business premises’ previous owners or the network operator in your area for information on the current energy supplier.

Step 3: Contact a Utility Company or Energy Broker

If you cannot identify your current business electricity provider, you can contact a utility company or energy broker to help you out. Utility companies and energy brokers have access to databases that can help you find the information you need.

To get started, look up reputable utility companies or energy brokers in your area. You can either call them directly or send an email requesting assistance. Be prepared to provide them with the necessary details, such as your business premises address and meter number.

Another option is to use an online comparison site to compare energy tariffs offered by different providers. Many of these sites also have access to the necessary databases, making finding your current supplier easier.

By contacting a utility company or energy broker or using an online comparison site, you can quickly identify your business electricity provider and learn more about your energy plan and tariffs. This information can help you make informed decisions about your energy usage and save money on your energy bills.

Step 4: Contact the National Grid

The National Grid is responsible for managing electricity distribution in the UK. One way to check your business electricity supplier is by visiting the National Grid website and clicking the ‘find your supplier’ tab. Once there, you will be asked to enter your postcode to proceed.

The National Grid database contains all the information needed to identify the electricity supplier for your business premises. By entering your postcode, you can see your current electricity supplier.

If you are not a customer of any electricity supplier, the National Grid website will inform you that your premises are not registered to a supplier. In this case, you must contact a supplier directly to arrange an electricity connection to your premises.

Checking your electricity supplier through the National Grid website is quick and easy. It can help you stay informed about your energy usage and ensure you are charged the correct rates.

Step 5: Compare Rates and Tariffs from Different Providers

When looking for a business electricity supplier, comparing rates and tariffs from different providers is essential to find the best deal for your business. One option to consider is fixed taxes, which offer certainty on energy expenses over an extended period. This option can be particularly beneficial for small businesses with tight budgets.

When comparing rates, it’s important to consider the unit price offered by each supplier. Some suppliers may offer slightly lower rates, but checking if the rates are competitive with current market prices is crucial. Be wary of suppliers that provide seemingly inexpensive rates but charge extra fees, such as access charges, exit fees, and deemed rates. These additional charges can drive up overall energy costs.

It’s also essential to consider the benefits and drawbacks of each tariff type. Green energy tariffs, for instance, are beneficial for businesses that prioritize sustainability. However, it may not be the most cost-effective option compared to standard tariffs. Other types of taxes, such as smart meter tariffs, can also have benefits such as more accurate billing and better energy management.

In conclusion, comparing rates and tariffs from different business electricity suppliers is crucial in choosing the best deal for your business. Weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each tariff type, consider fixed tariffs, and check for hidden fees to get the most out of your energy contract.

Questions to Ask When Choosing an Electricity Supplier for Your Business

Are you running a business and want to save on your electricity bills? Switching to a new electricity supplier could help you do just that. However, choosing the right supplier can be daunting. With countless suppliers and tariffs available, how do you know which suits your business best? Before making any decisions, ask yourself these important questions to ensure you get the best deal possible for your needs.

How Long is the Contract Length?

Understanding the terms of your current contract with your energy supplier is crucial, as it can significantly impact your business electricity bills. One of the most critical aspects to consider is the contract length, which can range from 30 to 120 days for fixed-term contracts.

Keeping track of when your contract expires is essential to avoid being automatically rolled onto a more expensive tariff. Typically, energy suppliers require a notice of termination within a specific notice period before the contract’s end date. Check your contract terms and conditions to determine the notice period required to avoid additional fees or charges.

If you decide to switch to a new energy supplier, it’s also essential to consider their contract length and terms before signing up. Researching different suppliers and comparing their prices and contract terms can help you find the best deal for your business.

In summary, understanding your contract length and issuing a termination notice within the specified notice period can help you avoid unwanted additional fees or charges and potentially save you money on your business electricity bills.

What are the Unit Rates and Access Charges?

When choosing a business electricity supplier, it is important to consider the unit rates and access charges associated with the energy plan. Unit rates refer to the amount charged per unit of electricity consumed. In contrast, access charges are fees added to the bill for maintaining the infrastructure needed to deliver the electricity to the business premises.

Electricity prices can be influenced by several factors, including the size of the premises, the number of people in the building, the amount of electricity consumed, and the location(s) of the business. Businesses in areas with a higher demand for electricity and limited supply may have higher prices than those with greater availability. The amount of electricity consumed also affects the cost – the more electricity a business uses, the more it will be charged.

In addition to these factors, installation charges, credit scores, and potential discounts for paying via direct debit can also influence pricing. Installation charges include the cost of upgrading the infrastructure necessary to receive energy from the chosen energy supplier. A business with a lower credit score may be charged more, and companies that pay via direct debit may receive discounts on their energy bill.

Choosing a business electricity supplier requires careful consideration of pricing factors, including unit rates, access charges, installation charges, credit scores, and direct debit discounts.

Are There Any Exit Fees or Direct Debit Charges?

When signing up for a business electricity contract, it’s crucial to understand any exit fees or direct debit charges that may come with it. Exit fees are charges you may incur if you terminate the contract before the agreed-upon end date. Direct debit charges are fees for paying your electricity bill through a natural debit system.

These charges can vary significantly among energy suppliers, making it essential to compare contracts and understand the terms and conditions before signing one. Some suppliers may offer contracts with no exit fees, while others may charge a hefty sum if you need to terminate the agreement early. Similarly, direct debit charges can range in price, depending on the supplier and the type of contract.

Failing to understand these charges can result in unexpected costs, impacting your business’s finances. So, read the contract thoroughly and ask questions before agreeing to any terms. Doing so can ensure you’re getting the best deal for your business electricity needs without experiencing any surprises.

What Type of Billing System Does the Provider Use?

One of the important factors to consider when choosing a business electricity supplier is the billing system they use. Electricity providers may offer different billing systems to business customers, and it’s essential to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each system to make the most informed decision for your business.

The most common billing systems electricity providers use are fixed-rate, variable-rate, and time-of-use. Fixed-rate billing means you pay a set amount for the energy you use during a specific period, while variable-rate billing means your energy rate fluctuates depending on the market. Time-of-use billing means the price you pay for electricity varies depending on the time of day.

Fixed-rate billing offers stability and predictability, which can be beneficial for budgeting purposes and avoiding unexpected price hikes. However, if energy prices decrease, you may pay more than necessary. Variable-rate and time-of-use billing can save costs if you adjust your energy usage to lower prices. However, these options can be less predictable and may result in higher bills during peak usage periods.

Examples of electricity providers that use these billing systems include Total Energies Gas & Power, British Gas, E.ON, and Scottish Power. It’s important to research each provider and their billing systems to determine which option best suits your business’s energy needs and budget.

Are There Any Support Services Available?

Small businesses can benefit from various support services provided by electricity suppliers. These services help companies to make informed decisions about their energy usage, manage their electricity bills effectively, and reduce their energy consumption.

One of electricity suppliers’ most common support services is access to online resources and tools. These online resources include energy calculators, energy-saving tips, and other educational materials that provide customers with information to help them understand their energy consumption and identify areas for improvement.

Dedicated customer service teams are also available to small business customers of electricity suppliers. These teams assist with billing, account management, and support to help customers resolve issues or concerns.

Another type of support service is the energy audit. This service involves a comprehensive evaluation of a business’s energy usage, which can identify areas where energy waste can be minimized, and savings can be realized.

Lastly, many electricity suppliers offer rebates or incentive programs to encourage small businesses to reduce their energy consumption. Rebates are typically offered to purchase energy-efficient equipment, while incentive programs may provide financial rewards for companies that meet certain energy-saving goals.

In conclusion, electricity suppliers offer support services to small business customers to help them manage their energy usage and reduce energy costs. These services include access to online resources and tools, dedicated customer service teams, energy audits, and rebates or incentive programs.

Is your business premises suitable for connecting with the supplier’s network?

Connecting your business premises with an electricity supplier’s network requires meeting specific criteria. Firstly, ensure your commercial premises are within the supplier’s coverage area. You can enquire about this from your local network operator. Secondly, determine the required amperage and voltage for your premises, which can also be obtained from the network operator. It is important to ensure that the electrical equipment used in your premises is compatible with the supplier’s network. Failure to ensure compatibility may result in damage to equipment or non-compliance with safety regulations. It’s worth noting that not all suppliers may be suitable for your business, so do some research to find the one most suitable for your needs. By following these steps, you can ensure that your business premises are ideal for connecting with the electricity supplier’s network and avoid unnecessary expenses or complications.


In conclusion, finding the right business electricity supplier is crucial regarding cost savings and efficient energy management. The process involves conducting thorough research on top suppliers, gathering relevant documents, checking billing history, and contacting utility companies or energy brokers. It is also essential to get in touch with the National Grid to know the details of your energy meter. Comparing rates and tariffs will help you choose the best supplier that matches your business needs. Asking the right questions during selection is crucial to avoid hidden charges and unexpected bills. With the right supplier, your business can enjoy the benefits of reliable and sustainable energy, cost savings, and improved energy efficiency.

Written by

George Robinson

George Robinson is the visionary creator and founder behind With a passion for small and medium-sized businesses, George embarked on a mission to revolutionise the way they navigate the digital landscape. Armed with innovation and a commitment to simplifying online success, he launched, a platform that empowers SMBs to soar to new heights in the digital realm.

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